Clinical rotations and laboratories

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Safety and Health in workplaces

Safety and Health Course

All students who want to attend an internship period, are requested to firstly attend a two-days course on "Safety and Health in workplaces", with final exam. This course is mandatory to be allowed to start with your internship, together with medical examination to do upon your arrival, in order to obtain the medical certificate to perform an internship activity in our School.


Courses on Health and Safety in Study and Research Areas


This course is mandatory to be allowed to start with your internship, together with the blood test and medical examination (for free and to do upon your arrival), in order to obtain the medical certificate to perform an internship activity in our School.


General course (e-learning 4 hour – PART 1) and specific classroom 12 hours (Part 2) are compulsory for all students who for study or research purposes work in laboratories, medical departments and all other work places that present specific risks. According to the Consolidated Safety Act (Legislative Decree 81/08), the status of students in all of these situations, as concerning their safety, is deemed equivalent to that of workers, and like workers, they must be familiar with health and safety requirements in areas designated for work. To take the courses, students must access the entering their username (Registration’s number - MATRICOLA) and password.

After completing Part 1 and Part 2, there will be an assessment test. If you fail the test, you will have to wait 7 days before you can access the safety course again. The courses can be taken with effect from the date of matriculation.


Corso di formazione per la Sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro

List of Blood analysis needed


You should do the Blood and Urine analysis at home and bring with you the results upon
your arrival in Florence. The blood test result MUST NOT BE PREVIOUS OF 3 MONTHS.

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