Incoming students

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Timetable of Courses is not available yet.

Classes and lectures are scheduled to start by 23 of September 2024 (first semester) 

and by 24 of February for the spring semester

Information for incoming students pdf

Arriving in Florence

Before Arriving in Florence

By June 15th you should send us your Application Form and your Learning Agreement signed and stamped by the Erasmus coordinator of your Home Institution (see application procedure).


Before arriving in Florence, please register online by entering your personal information (see the instructions pdf).


For the spring semester:


If your are a student of medicine, nursing or pharmacy and have clinical rotations and laboratories into your Learning Agreement you must arrive no later than the 19th of February to finalize the enrollment procedures:

Upon arrival in Florence: check-in

Upon arrival in Florence, you should immediatly go to the International Relations Office of the School of Human Health Sciences to finalize your registration at the University of Florence.


The start date of your Erasmus+ period coincides with the business day (Monday to Friday) following your day of arrival as certified by your travel document (e.g., airline ticket, boarding pass, train ticket, highway toll payment receipt, etc.). 


Fill in the Google Form befor your arrival


If you are a student from outside the European Union, in addition to your travel document, you must also send a copy of your passport with a student visa (if required). For visa information, see the Universitaly website. If the mobility period is longer than 90 days, a residence permit is also required.


See also the  Application procedure


After completing the procedure, you will receive (after a few days):

  • The “certificate of arrival” in digital format;
  • Your student id number, (numero di matricola in Italian) for access to the  GCS Student Career Management page (the password is the one chosen during online pre-registration);
  • Your Unifi email address ( that you must use to communicate with Unifi Offices. More information (in Italian).


After your enrolment, you need to update your personal page on GCS Student Career Management with your Italian personal information (e.g., residence in Florence and Italian phone number). It is important that you keep your page up to date.

Certificate of arrival

The Certificate of arrival will be issued upon your arrival in UniFi format, no other form or declaration will be signed. The International Relations Office of the School will send it to your home university by e-mail and in copy to you only once you have been correctly enrolled and upon reception of the student Id number (Matricola number). 

During your stay

Italian language courses

The Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) organizes Italian language courses throughout the academic year. If you have an international study grant (Erasmus and similar) you can register to one Italian Language course free of charge, starting from A2 level.


To attend this course you should fill in an online application available at the following link: CLA and follow the instructions. Futher instructions will be sent by e-mail from CLA.


Please note that you CAN’T get credits for classes at Centro Linguistico di Ateneo.


If you are interested in gaining access to the University canteens, you can request a DSU (Diritto allo Studio Universitario) card by scheduling an appointment from the following web page: DUS Card


The rate for a complete meal is €8.50.

The reduced rate with a first course (soup/rice/pasta dish) is €5.40.

The reduced rate with a second course (fish/meat/vegetarian dish) is €6.30.


The DSU card that allows access to the canteen must also be used for payment (electronic purse function), as cash payments are not accepted.


Your DSU card can be recharged:

  • Online on the Ricarichiamoci website (LINK), via Paypal or credit card. For this method it's necessary to possess a SPID digital identity, an Italian electronic identity card or with the national services card. Foreign citizens in Italy who do not possess a digital identity must open a ticket at the Student Desk at the following link: Student Desk and request a CUR (Unique Recharge Code) which will allow them to top-up their credit online.
  • At the designated money meters present in the proximity of various university canteens.


Check out the pages Welcome to Unifi for a brief introduction to the city and the University, including possibilities for accommodation and other practical information for your stay in Italy.


University's Guest House: at some university residences, you can use a paid guesthouse service with special rooms or unassigned or temporarily free accommodation for absentee.


You may also find a room to rent on your own. Here some information to help you:

  • you can look at  or
  • you can find lots of rent advertisement directly on the bulletin board at the entrance of Faculties and Libraries
  • you can search Google for: 'stanza Erasmus Firenze' or "cerco stanza a Firenze"
  • Facebook group 
  • Housing Anywhere is a housing platform where students that go abroad for an exchange semester or internship can sublet their rooms. Incoming exchange students can rent those rooms.

Changes to the learning agreement:

Erasmus students are allowed to change their learning agreement only once per semester with the following deadlines:

- 15th November for changes of the first semester or whole year subjects or clinical rotations.
- 15th March for changes of the second semester subjects or clinical rotations.

Extending your period of stay:

If you wish to ask for an extension of your study period you should submit the extension of stay form available in the section “FORMS” to the Erasmus+ Coordinator of your Home Institution.

Leaving Florence


The closing date of your Erasmus in Florence coincides with either the date of your last exam (regardless of the outcome) or the end date of your classes if no exam was taken. In the case of traineeships, the end date of the mobility coincides with the end date of the activity.


Before checking out, check on GCS Student Career Management to see whether all examinations have been recorded, fill out the “esami sostenuti” form (rtf - pdf), and submit it to our office.


To avoid delays in the issuance of the final Transcript of records, while in Florence, check periodically on GCS Student Career Management the transcripts of exams taken. It is important that records are kept, even of failed exams. Hence, it is your responsibility to ask so to each Professor specifically.


By submitting the form, you confirm that you have completed all activities and wish to receive the Certification of Stay and Transcript of records. The International Mobility Office will close the mobility and send the Certification of Stay and Transcript of records by email to your home university with you in cc.


You have formally ended your Erasmus mobility period in Florence by checking out. Therefore, you can no longer take exams or other educational activities.


The Certification of Stay issued upon arrival and departure is in Unifi format. No other form or declaration will be signed

Safety and Health in the Workplace

Safety and Health Course

All students who want to attend an internship period, are requested to firstly attend a two-days course on "Safety and Health in workplaces", with final exam. This course is mandatory to be allowed to start with your internship, together with medical examination to do upon your arrival, in order to obtain the medical certificate to perform an internship activity in our School.


Courses on Health and Safety in Study and Research Areas


This course is mandatory to be allowed to start with your internship, together with the blood test and medical examination (for free and to do upon your arrival), in order to obtain the medical certificate to perform an internship activity in our School.


General course (e-learning 4 hour – PART 1) and specific classroom 12 hours (Part 2) are compulsory for all students who for study or research purposes work in laboratories, medical departments and all other work places that present specific risks. According to the Consolidated Safety Act (Legislative Decree 81/08), the status of students in all of these situations, as concerning their safety, is deemed equivalent to that of workers, and like workers, they must be familiar with health and safety requirements in areas designated for work. To take the courses, students must access the entering their username (Registration’s number - MATRICOLA) and password.

After completing Part 1 and Part 2, there will be an assessment test. If you fail the test, you will have to wait 7 days before you can access the safety course again. The courses can be taken with effect from the date of matriculation.


Corso di formazione per la Sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro

List of Blood analysis needed


You should do the Blood and Urine analysis at home and bring with you the results upon
your arrival in Florence. The blood test result MUST NOT BE PREVIOUS OF 3 MONTHS.

National Health Service

Medical Assistance and Emergencies


Italy’s national public health system is called Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN). Healthcare services are provided on a local level by Aziende Sanitarie Locali (ASL). In order to receive the medical assistance that you might require you need to have your European Health Insurance (EHIC).


With your EHIC you can go to any emergency room or to any out-of-hours service doctor and you will receive the treatment you need.


You can also visit the outpatient clinic for health assistance to non-resident students: more information.


For a fee you can also register to the SSN and you will obtain all the rights  of an Italian citizen. For more information on how to register to the SSN, follow this link: SSN registration.


If you need to contact an out-of-hours service doctor you can call the following number: 116117.


The national unique emergency number to dial to have immediate rescue is 118.


The main hospital in Florence is Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria AOU Careggi, situated in Largo Brambilla, 3 - Firenze. For more information visit the website.


You can find more information on health system assistance for foreign citizens on Azianda USL Toscana Centro (external link - in Italian only).

Tax Identification Number

Tax Identification Number (Codice Fiscale)


What is the Codice Fiscale?

The codice fiscale is an alphanumeric code that is used to identify foreign citizens in their relations with public authorities and other administrations. It is essential for obtaining a residence permit, to rent an apartment, to request a telephone line/mobile SIM card, etc.


How to apply for the Codice Fiscale

Citizens of European Union may apply for the codice fiscale to any office of the Italian Revenue Agency showing, along with the relevant form (AA4/8), a valid identification document (identity card or passport).


In any case, the Codice Fiscale is issued immediately and free of charge.


The (AA4/8) Form

 You can download the AA4/8 form in ItalianEnglishSpanishFrenchGerman and Slovenian.


Non EU Citizens

The tax identification number can be obtained from the offices of the Italian Revenue Agency, by submitting a request indicating the personal data and the residence for tax purposes where the card should be delivered.

Citizens from non-EU Countries must submit at least one of the following documents:

  • a valid passport with visa (if required), or any other document accepted by the Italian authorities
  • a certificate of identity issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular authorities of the Country of nationality (with photo)
  • a valid residence permit (permesso di soggiorno)
  • an ID card issued by the municipality of residence in Italy.

Non-EU citizens must also prove that they have the right to stay, even temporarily, in Italy.


What to do in case of incorrect data on the Codice Fiscale

In case of incorrect data showed on the Codice Fiscale, you must require a replacement by going to any Italian Revenue Agency office with a valid identification document.


In case of loss or theft

You can request a duplicate of the Codice Fiscale by filling the request online.

As an alternative, you can request it directly to a territorial office of the Italian Revenue Agency.

Useful Forms and Documents

  • Erasmus Student mobility proposal form pdf rtf
  • Learning Agreement (doc)
  • Changes to the learning agreement (doc)
  • Extension of stay (pdf)
  • Attendance Form for UNIFI Teachers

Choosing your courses and information

1. Go to:⇒Didattica⇒Ricerca insegnamenti 

2. in the first dialog box select the name of the course (or just keywords)

3. from the drop-down menu "Scuola di" choose Scienze della Salute Umana

4. from the drop-down menu "Tipologia" choose either Laurea triennale (bachelor level) or Laurea Magistrale (master level) or Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico

5. hit "cerca"

6. you will get a list, sometimes fairly long, of all subjects with that name. Click on each to check the semester (from the dates) and get more.  

Didactics information

Useful Links


Generic Links

Erasmus coordinators

School of Human Health Sciences


Learning Agreement


How to Fill in the LA


Medicie and Surgery

Study plan for medicine students

Timetable - Degree in Medicine and Surgery

Pharmacy and Chemistry

Timetable - Degree in Pharmacy

Degree in Pharmacy

Degree in Chemistry and pharmaceutical technology




Syllabus/ Teaching programs (pdf)

TIMETABLE 2024/2025


Sports Sciences (3+2 system)


Study Plan for incoming students (pdf)

Bachelor degree Scienze motorie sport e salute 

Master degree Scienze e tecniche dello sport e delle attività motorie preventive e adattate


Nutrition (3+2 system)


Bachelor degree Dietistica 

Master degree Scienze dell'alimentazione 




Bachelor degree  Infermieristica 




Bachelor degree Fisioterapia

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