Register with the National Healthcare Service (SSN)

Registration to the SSN (national health service)

Anyone who registers with the SSN have the same rights as any Italian citizen which include: the possibility to choose a General Practitioner and to receive the same healthcare services.

To register with the SSN all foreign students will need to pay a flat fee of €700.00 (to be carried out via F24 form, tax code 8846, region code 17, reference year ____).


IMPORTANT: registration with the SSN refers to the calendar year (1 January - 31 December) regardless of the possible intra-annual expiry of the residence permit, it cannot be divided and does not have retroactive effect.

EU students

EU students will need to fill out the following Form and bring it in person the the local  "Sportello dell’Anagrafe Sanitaria" (healthcare register office), along with:

  • An identity document 
  • A fiscal code
  • Self-certification of school attended

Non-EU students

For non-EU citizens, a residency permit for "study" reasons is required in order to apply. If the residency permit expires before December 31st, the registration to the healthcare system will be closed; it will be reopened upon submission of a renewal application, without any additional cost.

EU students will need to fill out the following Form and bring it in person the the local  "Sportello dell’Anagrafe Sanitaria" (healthcare register office), along with:

  • passport with visa
  • valid residency permit for "study" reasons
  • A fiscal code

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